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Men have a problem that
no one ever talks about.

It’s unsightly.
It’s embarrassing.
It’s annoying.

And it’s gone on for far too long. Men have a FIT problem.

"How your clothes fit your body is the #1 factor determining whether you look sharp or sloppy." -- GQ Quote

For ages, brands have been getting it all wrong, using a lazy system of averages to create this linear sliding scale of sizes – XS, SM, M, L, XL, XXL.

But that's not how bodies work.

Have a look at this image. Each guy would say that if they HAD to pick a standard size, it would be Medium. The heights range from 5'5 to 6'3. The weights range from 155 to 195 lbs. This is insane. Put them in most department store shirts made for the masses, and the results are disastrous...

We're not all mediums

Male Muffin Top


Flying Squirrel


Pirate Sleeve


Horrified by these everyday phenomena, we set out to find a solution to save men from this embrarrassment. We went out and measured the torsos of thousands of men of different body types. We crunched some numbers and developed a better way for men of many shapes to find a proper fit off the rack for shirts.

What started as a point of view
evolved into a set of beliefs.

Through experimentation, adventures, epic fails and a few successes we've developed a set of beliefs about how a dress shirt should fit and how it should feel.

Now every shirt we make is based on the following tenets: