A Primer On Barrel Cuffs
The Traditional Choice

The barrel cuff is a very straightforward option, and it is the most common type of cuff seen on men’s dress shirts today. A single, unfolded band of fabric wraps around the wrist, and the corners of the cuff are square. Unfussy and efficient, it is a practical choice that still conveys a touch of sophistication.
At Hugh & Crye, all our barrel cuffs come with two buttons, which allows you to control the snugness of the wrist enclosure. Not too tight, not too loose. It’s just one more option that ensures a truly stellar fit in every regard.
See the Barrel Cuff in Action

Traditonal Barrel Cuff
A simple barrel cuff is the most common cuff found in dress shirts today.

Convertible Barrel Cuff
Many of our barrel cuffs at Hugh & Crye also happen to be convertible cuffs.

Buttoned, linked, or Rolled
Buttoned up, worn with a cufflink, or casually rolled up, a barrel cuff always looks clean and crisp.